I never go long enough between cleanings to allow it to get restrictive to any degree worth noting. I clean mine on a regular basis even if i doesn't look dirty in order to insure max MPG performance at all times. We offer free technical advice anytime, please just ask. They have the plate inside them just as the T140'S did. These particular elements are made in the UK by the same company that made them in the 70'S and fit in the original air box. But in any case, if they make a UNI for this bike you would pay less than k&N or most any other and they work great, last, and you can clean it as often as you like. Brand new air filter element for your Triumph OIF air box. On my Tbird i removed 2 things that improve performance considerably, but i doubt they d have made much difference without the fact i have tors and a custom map and decat. Car A Rac presents recommended by manufacturers internal and external diameters of filters. Like was said, a filter alone won t improve performance but remving intake restrictions can help on some bikes. Find out what kind of air filter you need Dimensions of air cleaners for Triumph TR6.
I have cleaned it uncountable times, and in dusty conditions it s a necessity unless you wanna spend most of your miles with bad MPG and performance or spend more on filters than gas. Less expensive than a stock throw away filter and lasts.well, 65000 so far and still in good shape. I dunno if UNI filer makes one for this bike, but i have used them in my old speedmaster and now had one for 65000 miles in my Tbird.